The Artists Way
5/26/20241 min read

This past week has provided its challenges. I have felt a little creatively stuck, the paintings have just not been flowing easily. Really for no reason, there is nothing negative happening in my life, quite the opposite in fact.
That said, this path we choose as creative businesses is not an easy one, however idyllic it may outwardly appear. We have to wear many hats, as well as physically creating artwork with depth and authenticity. And obviously our livelihoods are dependant on our success!
This can become quite overwhelming, if we don't remember that we are human. We are fallible, we are allowed to be weary sometimes and we to NEED to rest and recharge. It is not sustainable to live as a 24/7 artist, in our pursuit of a sustainable business. We are allowed to sit with our messy hair, trying to muster the strength to get out there and navigate another day, when all we actually want to do it sleep. Remember, it is like a river, it all continues to flow, just sometimes faster than others, and that's Ok.
But today, today it all fell back into place for me. Energy, excitement and plans all came surging to the fore again after a glorious early morning walk. This life is full of contrasts, full of light and dark and all of it is OK. Embrace it all.....
Happy May Bank Holiday all x
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