I'm offering untutored studio space for you to join me painting in my studio. Sharing creative thoughts, inspiration and motivation.
9/10/20241 min read
I am absolutely delighted with my new studio -its, light , its bright, its spacious and its gorgeous.
To celebrate and commence workshops I my offering open studio space for up to six people at a time. We have lots of parking, kitchen amenities and utterly beautiful grounds. This will be untutored, but I am here to offer advice and guidance should you so wish.
Sometimes working with others is essential to encourage us forwards, overcome 'stuck' phases, or just laugh and relax together with people who understand the creative process. For me, I love my time focussing and working alone, but other times the positive input and camaraderie of like minded creatives is imperative too.
I have easels, tables, there is ample outside space, tea, coffee and I will provide basic materials. And cake. Definitely cake... Please bring your own paint, surface and brushes (although I can provide these too if you wish.) There is great outside seating to chat if the weather is fine. Pop on over to my 'Art Classes' page to find out more.
(Should you want a quiet, uninterrupted working space in a beautiful location that is absolutely fine too. Single occupancy of the space should you wish to work on something large scale, or want solitude can be arranged )
There will be a maximum number of people per session divided into beginners and more advanced artists, fees apply for a morning or full day. Come join the tribe....
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